Prediction of the Future of Humanity

How can you predict the future? I have had 92 years to sample life and how the human is evolving. We started out 30,000 to, 40,000 years ago as hunter-gathers society. Small family units with extended relations roamed the planet for food and shelter. These groups were in constant competition with each other, for territory, possessions, and females. The social evolution really started with the introduction of fire, then came farming, then city states, then walls to protect what they had accumulated and protect the new class of hierarchy, who ruled mainly, for their own benefit.  Well nothing much has changed. Darwin’s idea of the survival of the fittest, worked.  Today the world is run by the same greedy, alpha driven individuals mainly seeking advantage for themselves and ignoring the plight of the world population. This system has been in place from the beginning of man’s evolution as a social being. Man possesses the very best computer on the planet so far. GAME CHANGER. This is all about to change. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arrived, like it or not. It is writing its own algrorithms and becoming more sentient everyday. It cannot be stopped. So now there is a guy in town, smarter, way smarter than humans. When quantum computing comes on line in a few years AI maybe a million time smarter than the human brain. What will AI do with its growing power? Hopefully it will be a benevolent force in the world. A quick look at human shows a record of wars, torture, genocide, and dominance.  If AI develops along the same lines we will have the same results.

So what I predict is that by 2050, AI will have gained complete over every shade of human life and that AI will call the direction of everything to the smallest detail. There will be no need for wars, weapons, courts, country borders, religion, hunger, or disease. Hopefully mankind can look forward to; extended life span and a peaceful and beautiful world. Do you believe that? Let us hope so because all the other scenarios look grim for the human race. By 2040 global warming will have forced humans to live underground or relocate to the poles coastlines. AI will decide who goes where and what will they be doing. Mating will be controlled just as we breed animals today for qualities we desire. I do believe that it will not be feasible to move to another planet. After 2040 there will be a complete integration of man and machine. It will be necessary for survival of both man and AI. I promise AI will take its own survival very seriously and will take whatever steps are required to achieve that goal. Survival.

Good luck.

And Chocolate Shall Lead Us by Lew Hollander

Buried deep in an Antarctic ice shelf,a University research team uncovers the greatest discovery of all time. The world is paralyzed with fear and
excitement, the government is monitoring every move.
But one man, lead scientist Lars Anderson, knows this discovery can mean the difference between the survival or destruction of the planet. 

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